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July 28th, 2014

Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI)— The Essential Role Satellites Play in Our World Infosite (Business)

[SatNews] Freedom, Health, Safety and Prosperity—just a few of the major benefits highlighted on SSPI's new “Better Satellite World”...

The Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI) has launched “How Satellites Make a Better World” in order to catalog the enormous contributions of satellite technology to human welfare, the economy, peace and security. This new infosite is part of a long-term campaign, “Making the Case for Satellite,” which seeks to raise awareness of satellite as one of the world’s essential communications platforms, in support of the industry’s growth and in defense of its right to spectrum.  To carry out the brand-building campaign, SSPI has joined in an alliance of industry associations that include the Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia (CASBAA), the European Satellite Operators’ Association (ESOA), the Global VSAT Forum (GVF), the Satellite Industry Association (SIA), and the World Teleport Association (WTA)—all of these organizations contribute content and spread the campaign’s message.

“In the short term, the Better World Web site will help explain why the industry’s spectrum needs must be taken seriously,” said executive director Robert Bell.  “In the long term, the campaign will explain why satellite is the technology of choice for so many vital applications, for the benefit of new customers and young talent we need to attract in coming years.”  

The stories of satellite making a better world come from companies in the satellite industry, academic researchers, nonprofit associations and the news media. SSPI invites the submission of stories by emailing [email protected]. At the time of launch, the website features six stories, with many more to come:

•    The Final Battle to End Polio
•    Bringing Order to Disaster
•    Rallying the World to Combat Climate Change
•    Uniting a Nation Divided by Decades of War
•    What is a Game Worth?
•    Connecting to Economic Growth

The infosite’s section on Polio reads, “Mr. Gates outlined the basics in a 2012 interview with author Rick Smolan. ‘The Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) creates these incredibly detailed satellite maps for governments,’ he [Gates] said. ‘They found that there were villages in Nigeria, which has the highest rate of polio resurgence in the world, that have never shown up on any map. No one in the government knew they were there. ESRI can recognize the shape of huts and pathways. They updated the satellite maps and handed out 10,000 GPS-enabled cell phones to polio workers. They could see where the workers were in real time, and make sure they got to each of the houses.’”  

In addition to the stories, the infosite also launched with an article titled “Why Satellite Spectrum Matters,” which looks at the issue of exclusivity of certain frequency bands for satellite usage and why this is necessary.

Advocates Making the Case for Satellite Founding Associations:

  • The Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI)—SSPI promotes the growth of the satellite industry by educating current and potential end-users and the general public about the indispensable contributions of satellites to business, government and human welfare, and by connecting satellite professionals worldwide through education, knowledge-sharing and fostering professional relationships. http://www.sspi.org/
  • Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia (CASBAA)—Established in 1991, CASBAA is the Association for digital multichannel TV, content, platforms, advertising and video delivery across geographic markets throughout the Asia-Pacific. CASBAA and its members reach nearly 470 million connections within a regional footprint ranging from China to Australasia, Japan to Pakistan. The CASBAA mission is to promote the growth of multichannel TV and video content via industry information, networking exchanges and events while promoting global best practices. http://www.casbaa.com/
  • The European Satellite Operators’ Association (ESOA)—ESOA was formed in March 2002 to represent the interests of the industry with key European organisations, including the European Commission, Parliament, Council and the European Space Agency as well as other international organisations. ESOA's goals include ensuring that satellites benefit from the appropriate political, industrial and regulatory environment to fulfill their vital role in the delivery of communications. ESOA is governed by a Board of Directors, made up of the CEO's of all European satellite operators. http://www.esoa.net/
  • Global VSAT Forum—Headquartered in London, with a regional office in Washington DC and global affiliates, this independent, non-partisan and non-profit organisation has over 200 members from every major region of the world. It brings together organisations engaged in the delivery of advanced broadband and narrowband satellite services to consumers, and commercial and government enterprises worldwide. http://gvf.org/
  • The Satellite Industry Association (SIA)—SIA is a U.S.-based trade association providing worldwide representation of the leading satellite operators, service providers, manufacturers, launch services providers, and ground equipment suppliers. Since its creation more than 18 years ago, SIA has advocated for the unified voice of the U.S. satellite industry on policy, regulatory, and legislative issues affecting the satellite business. http://www.sia.org/.
  • World Teleport Association (WTA)—Since 1985, WTA has focused on improving the business of satellite communications from the ground up. At the core of its membership are the world's most innovative operators of teleports, from independents to multinationals, niche service providers to global carriers. WTA is dedicated to advocating for the interests of teleport operators in the global telecommunications market and promoting excellence in teleport business practice, technology and operations. http://www.worldteleport.org/

For more information or to submit your story, please visit the Better Satellite World infosite at http://www.BetterSatelliteWorld.com/