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August 26th, 2018

NSR's Key Assessments of Global Satellite Capacity Supply and Demand


NSR's Global Assessment of Satellite Capacity Supply & Demand, 15th Edition (GSCSD15),  is the longest running and most detailed source for satellite capacity analysis worldwide.

Building on more than 18 years of regular NSR reporting and in-depth SATCOM data, Global Assessment of Satellite Capacity Supply & Demand, 15th Edition (GSCSD15), provides key assessments of applications, orbits, frequency bands, capacity pricing and revenue potential across 13 regions.  This is a “must have” report for anyone seeking bottom line data and analysis on the ever-changing satellite capacity market.

The primary questions addressed in this report include...

  • How has the market evolved over the past year, and how has this impacted the outlook for satellite operators and the industry in general?
  • Which applications and regions are likely to soak up the glut of capacity launching between now and 2027? And at what price point will these applications be able to flourish?
  • How will fill rates evolve by frequency band, region, and orbital arc over the coming decade?
  • Which programs and/or satellite operators are in the best position to win in this new paradigm?
  • How should value propositions and business models evolve to match future market demand?
  • How does the recent ramp-up of HTS investments (both GEO and Non-GEO) impact the future industry outlook?
  • How is satellite capacity pricing expected to develop over the coming 10 years?
  • BOTTOM LINE:  Where is satellite capacity supply & demand headed for FSS and HTS over the next decade?

To order this informative report, please access this direct link...