Vizada Networks and the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation (NDLO) have expanded their existing co-operation by entering into a Framework Agreement for the supply of commercial satellite capacity and additional services. Vizada Networks will provide the NDLO with worldwide coverage and support within satcom (VSAT) solutions and become a one-stop shop for the organization's SATCOM requirements.
Under the agreement, which commenced February 2010, Vizada Networks is to provide the Norwegian Armed Forces with on demand satellite capacity in defined areas. The additional services Vizada Networks will supply include, but are not limited to; capacity on contractors satellite anchor stations, lease of land lines from NDINI (Norwegian Defence Information Network Infrastructure) to the providers' satellite anchor station, housing agreements for hosting NDLO's own equipment, and training and engineering services. The Framework Agreement with Vizada Networks is the first of its kind for space capacity that the NDLO has entered and will ensure reliability and availability of communications for Norwegian military units around the world. Vizada Networks is among the top customers of the major satellite operators and is uniquely positioned to provide this service by offering the most appropriate solution of conveniently located and powerful C, Ku or X-band satellites available in the market, with particular emphasis on the North Atlantic and the Middle East regions.
Together with its operational partners, Vizada Networks is representing the strongest satellite consortium available in the market. The consortium's vast combined available satellite capacity in all frequency bands provides NDLO with a great deal of flexibility. This capability increases Vizada Networks ability to accommodate immediate and on-demand requests, and provide the unique northern coverage of the high power Spot1 beam on Intelsat IS-1002. Vizada Network's position in the consortium, also enables it to enter into discussions and develop non standard concepts to meet specific NDLO requirements if requested.