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Satnews Daily
April 14th, 2010

Newtec — Knows When To "Say When" — When Will You?

Newtec is launching an original campaign to promote and explain its exclusive DualFlow™ solution at NAB show in Las Vegas from 12th until 15th April 2010, booth SU2217.

Visitors will discover how Newtec’s innovative DualFlow™ technology guarantees future-proof flexibility that allows broadcasters to easily migrate to satellite IP-based operations through interfacing with both ASI and IP networks.

The evolution from traditional broadcast contribution to complete IP interactivity over satellite can be accomplished in three steps:

— Connect: Dual Flow™ supports both ASI and IP connectivity, guaranteeing:
  • Cost-efficiency: one satellite modulation unit interfaces with both ASI & IP infrastructures
  • Future Proof: only one investment is required during migration in time
— Transport: Dual Flow™ enables the transmission of both IP and TV content in DVB-S2, improving:
  • Flexibility: transport of Live Broadcast or IP data or a combination of both in the same satellite carrier
  • Efficiency: optimization of data transport and get as much out of expensive satellite bandwidth as possible.
— Interact: Dual Flow™ enables two-way communication, increasing:
  • Productivity: new interactive IP services over satellite
  • Business: through interactive IP services new options can be offered to broadcasting partners.
Koen Willems, Product Marketing Director of Newtec, said: “As IP is progressively intruding the Contribution, Distribution and DSNG market, satellite content exchange systems need to evolve as well. Regardless of where broadcasters are situated in the IP migration, Newtec modulation equipment with the DualFlow features assures a flexible, cost-efficient and future proof alternative for satellite broadcasting transmissions.

Serge Van Herck, CEO of Newtec, completed: “The migration towards IP is only a matter of time. The good news is: with DualFlow, the timing is completely yours. You Say When.”