Visitors will discover how Newtec’s innovative DualFlow™ technology guarantees future-proof flexibility that allows broadcasters to easily migrate to satellite IP-based operations through interfacing with both ASI and IP networks.
The evolution from traditional broadcast contribution to complete IP interactivity over satellite can be accomplished in three steps:
— Connect: Dual Flow™ supports both ASI and IP connectivity, guaranteeing:
- Cost-efficiency: one satellite modulation unit interfaces with both ASI & IP infrastructures
- Future Proof: only one investment is required during migration in time
- Flexibility: transport of Live Broadcast or IP data or a combination of both in the same satellite carrier
- Efficiency: optimization of data transport and get as much out of expensive satellite bandwidth as possible.
- Productivity: new interactive IP services over satellite
- Business: through interactive IP services new options can be offered to broadcasting partners.
Serge Van Herck, CEO of Newtec, completed: “The migration towards IP is only a matter of time. The good news is: with DualFlow, the timing is completely yours. You Say When.”