Satnews Daily
September 6th, 2012

Gilat Satellite Networks... The Promise Of Premise Equipment (SATCOM)

[SatNews] Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. (NASDAQ: GILT) has received an order from one...

...of Europe's largest satellite broadband ISPs in support of SES Broadband Services' (SBBS) Ka-band consumer service rollout. The initial order includes the delivery of several thousand self-install customer premise equipment (CPE) Kits. Gilat's SkyEdge II-c "Aries" VSAT provides up to 20Mbps HTTP on download and 2Mbps on upload. With Aries, European households will be able to benefit from considerably faster speeds for satellite consumer services, enabling internet, video and VOIP services.

Aries was designed from the bottom up for the consumer market, with quick and intuitive self-installation features and automatic service activation.