Satnews Daily
September 8th, 2015

Teledyne Paradise Datacom's New Q-MultiFlex Offers Modulator + 16 Demodulators In Single Rack Unit

[SatNews] Teledyne Paradise Datacom's new modem cuts hardware costs for Point-to-Multipoint networks.

Q-MultiFlex is the most cost-effective solution for point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, STAR and Mesh networks. Using the Q-MultiFlex modem dramatically cuts hardware costs by giving operators both a modulator and up to 16 demodulators in a single-rack unit. “Demod-only” versions of Q-MultiFlex allow the use of up to 100 demods. As the number of remote sites increases, so does the potential hardware savings that can be realized.

DVB-S2X delivers additional operating savings. Q-MultiFlex sets a new industry standard as a point-to-multipoint system with full support for the super-efficient DVB-S2X standard. Incorporating spectral roll-offs down to 5 percent and other features, Q-MultiFlex maximizes spectral efficiency of the outbound carrier and addresses latency-sensitive applications using FastLink™ low-latency LDPC on the inbounds. So, how do you deploy it?

STEP 1: Install a Q-MultiFlex modem at the hub station.
Q-MultiFlex consists of a Q-Flex modem with either one or two 8-demodulator arrays for a total of 16 demods per modulator – all in a single rack unit.

STEP 2: Install a Q-Flex or Q-MultiFlex modem at each of the remote stations.
Q-Flex modems at each of the remote station will insure maximum throughput and link efficiency in a point-to-multipoint STAR application. Q-Flex is perhaps the most feature-rich modem available today. For Mesh applications, Q-MultiFlex can be installed at every station for single-hop connectivity between remotes.

STEP 3: Activate highly-efficient links using cutting-edge features.

1) Outbound / Inbound carriers – 160 Mb/s data rate,
2) traffic shaping in both directions,
3) High Order Modulation and advanced LDPC error correction in both directions, and
4) Xstream IP for maximum IP packet throughput in both directions.

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