[SatNews] Committed to advancing electrical and electronic engineering, the IEEE Broadcast Technology Society (BTS) offers a variety of educational opportunities for its members, including technical presentations, events, conferences, and training programs.
With more than 2,000 members and chapters worldwide, the IEEE BTS is the leading professional resource for broadcast engineers around the world. The IEEE BTS will offer technical tutorial programs prior to and at the 2014 NAB Show. Designed to bring attendees up to speed on next-generation television technologies, the sessions continue the society's longstanding mission of providing scientific and technical educational training programs to the broadcast engineering community. From its new booth location, the IEEE BTS will also be on hand to discuss details about the society's upcoming Annual Broadcast Symposium, which will take place October 14-17 at the Hilton Palacio del Rio in San Antonio, Texas, as well as information about and benefits of BTS membership.
Educational Opportunities
"Bridging the Gap" Technical Training Seminar—Prior to the start of NAB, the IEEE BTS will offer its "Bridging the Gap" technical training course as part of the PBS Technical Conference (TechCon). The abbreviated, one-day course will take place April 2 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. The cost is $150. Registration is open now through Feb. 21 at http://www.pbstechconference.org/registration/. The "Bridging the Gap" technical training course is open to the public, regardless of whether attendees are registered for the PBS TechCon. Designed to resolve the knowledge gap between IT technologists and video specialists, "Bridging the Gap" covers a wide range of technologies including baseband digital video transport, data networking for broadcast facilities, metadata, loudness, monitoring, and video compression, enabling them to more efficiently resolve day-to-day issues.
Future Television Technology Tutorial—The IEEE BTS will host a tutorial session at the NAB Broadcast Engineering Conference. On April 7 at 2:00 p.m., Richard Chernock, chief science officer at Triveni Digital, will chair the tutorial on "Future Television Technology — Advanced Coding." Presented by broadcast industry technology experts, the tutorial session will explore next-generation television video and audio coding technologies, offering attendees a balanced perspective between understanding the underlying technologies and how such technology advancements affect their business and operations.
Membership Discounts for 2014 NAB Show Attendees—The society is offering 2014 NAB Show attendees a 50-percent discount on IEEE membership plus an additional discounted price of $7.50 to join BTS. IEEE membership includes attendance to local events and activities, discounted membership to individual societies, and a wide range of educational opportunities including conferences and presentations. Members also receive the latest industry news from IEEE, IEEE Spectrum, IEEE Standards News, and The Institute.
Annual Broadcast Symposium Registration—NAB attendees who stop by the IEEE BTS booth will receive a special discounted price to attend the society's upcoming Annual Broadcast Symposium. The Annual Broadcast Symposium is one of the world's premiere technical conferences on broadcasting technology. The three-day symposium, to be held Oct. 14-17 at the Hilton Palacio del Rio in San Antonio, Texas, offers attendees a variety of informative tutorials and technical sessions. Topics are presented by respected broadcast engineering experts from around the world. Additional details, including the symposium agenda, will be available at the IEEE BTS booth.
The organization's infosite is located at http://bts.ieee.org/