Home >> Satellite Webinars >> Charting the Uncharted Waters… How & When Do We Restart Operations Appropriately?
Charting the Uncharted Waters… How & When Do We Restart Operations Appropriately?
June 3rd, 2020 to June 3rd, 2020

CONTACT:   Web: https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fai.omeclk.com%2fportal%2fwts%2fugmcmsbw3dybbB89qcwj0j-cshBdAPa&c=E,1,LaZ_qweJCCGc9CXJSGMbXNoRZ7kQlLhw3_-n3SCPv817LwIuSssQVcIpvnn30OZQ8fFCUQOL-dI8GikHdizRLUpO7spW9NmGJ_fo9rpFCrSkd6jV34SmDQ,,&typo=1
DESCRIPTION:   We are in an environment we’ve not seen before, but it's not going to last forever. In the next year we'll need to restart E&P operations and climb out of the abyss. Of course, this raises important questions that we need to consider as we put operations schedules together for the big restart. Get answers to these important questions as Owen Plowman shares 2021 industry predictions and how rapid and accurate operations scenario modeling is critical to making the right decisions about what to do and when.