SatMagazine Editorial Calendar


SatMagazineEditorial Deadline*Theme**
SatMagazine May 2024April 1st, 2024LATAM Markets, Components, Advanced Materials, Cables and Assemblies, EO, Geospatial, Imaging
SatMagazine June 2024May 4th, 2024APAC and Australasia Markets, Maritime, Airborne / IFC, Comms Equipment, Supports Services, Cyber Security
SatMagazine July/August 2024 (PRINT)June 3rd, 2024Satellite Innovation, Tomorrow's Technologies, Funding Strategies, New Markets, On-Orbit Servicing, Debris Removal
SatMagazine September 2024 (PRINT)August 3rd, 2024European Markets, Teleports/Ground Stations, SatlP/SatOTT, Streaming, Broadband, GPS/GNSS/Beidou
SatMagazine October 2024September 1st, 2024Satellite Innovation2, Constellations, Systems Integration, Interference / Carrrier ID, New Space, New Comms, Perspectives
SatMagazine November 2024October 5th, 2024Commercial Launch Services, COTS, Oil & Gas, Mining, Argiculture, Utilities, Mobility
SatMagazine December 2024November 2nd, 2024Year in Review + Open Theme

*Indicates the latest date editorial content for a publication can be submitted. Earlier submissions, permitting additional time to review and adjust contributions are greatly appreciated.

**Articles not related to the issue theme are permitted in all issues.

MilsatMagazine Editorial Calendar

MilsatMagazineEditorial Deadline*Theme**
MilsatMagazine May 2024April 15th, 2024ISR (C4/C5/C6), UVA Comms, Geospatial Intelligence, Strategic Persepectives, Anti-Jam Technologies
MilsatMagazine June 2024May 18th, 2024Emergency Comms, NGOs/First Responders, Program Management, Strategic Planning
MilsatMagazine July/August 2024June 15th, 2024Warfighter Mobility, Antennas/Terminals, RF/Microwave/Laser/Optical Comms, Airborne Comms, Military Broadband Technologies
MilsatMagazine September 2024August 17th, 2024MILSATCOM Innovation, Advanced Technologies, Cybersecurity / Cyber Defense
MilsatMagazine October 2024September 15th, 2024Warfighter Comms, SSA/SDA, Command & Control, Antennas/Terminals, Servicing
MilsatMagazine November 2024October 16th, 2024COTS, Components, Silicon Tech for MAG, Support Segments, Data Streaming, Field Comms
MilsatMagazine December 2024November 16th, 2024Year in Review

*Indicates the latest date editorial content for a publication can be submitted. Earlier submissions, permitting additional time to review and adjust contributions are greatly appreciated.

**Articles not related to the issue theme are permitted in all issues.

Author Guidelines

SatNews Author & Article Guidelines