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Satnews Daily
June 11th, 2012

Signal Monitoring Technology Sending The Right Signals (Webinar)

[SatNews] Learning about critical testing, measuring and analyzing is part of the cirriculum as...

Today's engineers need to be able to decode, test and monitor a variety of signal formats: MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and transport streams carried on IP, ASI and RF. This web seminar offers a review of needed technology, practices and solutions to properly monitor these types of networks. Appropriate signal monitoring will enable content distributors to deliver high-quality programs to consumers, will minimize disruption and can assure proper content consumption.

This web seminar will provide an overview of MPEG and other signal monitoring and analysis, including a discussion of what kinds of tools are available: software, hardware, how to verify proper live stream playout. Formats covered include MPEG-2, AVC and ATSC broadcast (A/53 and mobile/153). Discussion will include Internet streaming as well. Sign up here.

Web seminar attendees will learn what to measure and analyze, why monitoring is needed, and how to implement an ongoing program that maximizes signal integrity and catches fault conditions before they compromise program quality.