organized by the Radio Frequency Interference-End Users Initiative (RFI – EUI) and the World Broadcasting Unions – International Satellite Operations Group (WBU – ISOG) in coordination with GVF and the satellite Interference Reduction Group. The forum is hosted by HBO, and is scheduled on November 13, 2012, 12:45 – 17:00 ET and will be held at H 15 Theater, HBO Offices, 1100 Avenue of the Americas (6th) and 42nd Street, New York 10036-6737.
Broadcasters and satellite industry leaders continue their collaboration to combat satellite interference throughout the world. What are the latest results we’ve achieved? What challenges remain to be addressed? What is required to overcome the outstanding challenges ahead of us? This, the latest annual “Stop Interference” Summit will provide answers.
This half-day forum will include leading satellite operators, manufacturers, customers and other end users as well as subject experts in presentations and open discussion.
Participating will be executives covering the full spectrum of our industry: —Representing key satellite industry associations will be GVF (the Global VSAT Forum) —sIRG (the satellite Interference Reduction Group) and their members.
Broadcasters, will be —WBU-ISOG (the World Broadcasting Unions – International Satellite Operations Group) —RFI – EUI (Radio Frequency Interference – End Users Initiative) will present the progress made through industry inclusive working groups (WG’s).
At the Forum there will be representation from all the above organizations mentioned and many others. The goals of all the groups are to achieve quality assurance and to take satellite signal integrity to the next level. These will be the primary objectives of this meeting.
- Carrier ID implementation to Proceed, with the DVB Forum Profile.
- How are satellite operators and end users going to implement the new standard?
- Training and Certification for all technicians and SNG operators should become a requirement.
- Develop Best Practices and Operational Procedures to which all End Users and Satellite Operators must adhere.
- Operators and customers need to uphold and enforce product-quality-assurance measures.
There is no charge for attendance, but seating will be limited. To ensure a place for your organization or company at this important forum, please Register today on the RFI-EUI website. You may also find information and links to the registration form at the GVF and sIRG websites.
David Hartshorn Secretariat General GVF; Dick Tauber VP Transmission Systems & New Technology For the CNN News Group, WBU – ISOG Chairman / Co-Chair RFI EUI; Rich Wolf Vice President Telecommunications & Affiliate Support ABC Television Network, Co-Chair RFI EUI