GeoEye... Seeking Russia

GeoEye's IKONOS satellite
GeoEye, Inc. (Nasdaq: GEOY) has signed a multi-year, multi-million dollar order with its Russian reseller, ScanEx Research and Development Center, for more than two million square kilometers of high-resolution satellite imagery. GeoEye's high-resolution
IKONOS satellite will capture imagery of infrastructure facilities, major population centers and tourist locations over Russia and neighboring areas.
ScanEx is also able to sell imagery from thev
GeoEye-1 Earth-imaging satellite.
IKONOS is the world's first high-resolution Earth-imaging satellite able to see objects on the ground as small as 82 cm in size. GeoEye has already begun building
GeoEye-2, its next generation commercial-imaging satellite slated for launch in late 2012.
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