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Satnews Daily
February 7th, 2011

SkyTraq Technology... New Navigational Nuances (SATCOM)

[SatNews] SkyTraq has introduced the S4554GNS-LP, a high-performance, low-power, GLONASS/GPS receiver.

The receiver features 29 second cold start TTFF, -159dBm navigation sensitivity, -145dBm cold starting sensitivity, and 250mW power consumption; offering best-in-class performance among GLONASS/GPS receivers on the market. The S4554GNS-LP is capable of operating in 12 tracking channel GPS-only mode, 12 tracking channel GLONASS-only mode, and 24 tracking channel GLONASS + GPS mode. It is ideal for navigation and tracking applications requiring high-performance low-cost GLONASS/GPS receiver.

Using dual GLONASS + GPS navigation satellite systems, S4554GNS-LP offers better satellite signal availability performance. Dedicated search engine within S4554GNS-LP is capable of performing 10 million time-frequency hypothesis testing per second, offering industry-leading signal acquisition performance for GLONASS and GPS signal. Advanced track engine enables continuous navigation using signals down to -159dBm, combining multipath detection and mitigation algorithm; it is capable of continuous accurate navigation in difficult urban canyon and deep foliage conditions. S4554GNS-LP comes in compact 45mm x 54mm form factor, with MCX connector and 20-pin header for easy plug-and-play usage. The operating temperature range is -40 ~ +85degC. Volume delivery to customer begins in latter half of February 2010. Engineering sample, datasheet, reference design, and evaluation kits are available now.