Data was received using the "UniScan" ground station in the Moscow Remote Sensing Center of ScanEx RDC on October 17, 2012. The software, developed with Astrium Services company, was used by ScanEx specialists to receive the SPOT 6 satellite data.
Now, UniScan ground receiving stations can offer their customers the option of SPOT 6 data reception and existing UniScan stations can be upgraded to receive and process SPOT 6 satellite images. ScanEx RDC has exclusive rights to receive and process SPOT 6 data within the territory of Russia and Belarus as well as data from the SPOT 7 satellite which is to be launched in early 2014. ScanEx RDC also offers services for SPOT 4 and SPOT 5 data and accepts orders for planning near-real time imagery and delivery of data from the global archives of the RS Operator.