Serbia has become EUMETSAT’s latest Cooperating State following the completion of the ratification procedures. The Cooperating State Agreement with Serbia replaces the Cooperating State Agreement signed with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) in 2003. The Republic of Serbia is the legal successor of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro and therefore the FRY. The Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia has had fruitful cooperation with EUMETSAT since the signing of the original Cooperating State Agreement.
Under the Cooperating State Agreement, Serbia will contribute to the EUMETSAT budget, based on its gross national income rate of 0.176 percent. As a Cooperating State, Serbia has unlimited access to all EUMETSAT data and products for official duty use. The Serb flag will be raised during a ceremony at EUMETSAT headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany, on 30 November.