[SatNews] Telespazio has acquired the space activities of two Finmeccanica Group companies: VEGA, based in the UK, and Elsag Datamat, based in Genoa.
Telespazio’s new structure will help to strengthen its role as Finmeccanica’s centre for space services and applications by broadening its technological competencies and product portfolio, particularly in relation to the institutional market in the UK, Germany, and more generally, in Europe. VEGA has been an active player in the international space services sector since 1978, providing support to space agencies, satellite operators and manufacturing companies. The firm was purchased by Finmeccanica in 2008, and since 2009, has been under the control of SELEX Sistemi Integrati. VEGA Space, which was formed after the space activities of VEGA were spun off, has operations in the UK, Germany, France, Holland, and Spain, and covers the entire value chain for space missions, from design and development to operations management. The company, which boasts 390 employees, provides consultancy and engineering services and develops technology solutions to support the success of space missions and applications in the field of satellite navigation, Earth observation, scientific programmes, telecommunications, human space flight and military aerospace. With the acquisition of Elsag Datamat’s Space business unit, which comprises 111 employees, Telespazio will benefit from the Finmeccanica company’s many years of experience in the sector, particularly as a service and software supplier and a producer of complex systems for national and international programs.