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May 17th, 2011

iDirect... Opting For Optimization (SatCom)

[SatNews] Joining an expert in wireless bandwidth optimization has opened up an important, new reseller agreement...

VT iDirect, Inc. (iDirect), a company of VT Systems, Inc. (VT Systems), announced it will offer new web and UDP optimization solutions through a reseller agreement with XipLink, Inc., a technology leader in wireless bandwidth optimization. The new optimization solutions work with iDirect’s line of satellite hubs and remote routers to enhance the end-user’s web browsing experience, enable increased voice call volume, as well as provide overall bandwidth savings for network operators. The optimization software is an option for iDirect’s recently expanded range of XipLink acceleration appliances. Through the new XipLink Hub Optimizations (XHO) solution, iDirect is able to provide advanced compression of http traffic that enables network operators to improve performance, reducing bandwidth requirements by up to 30 percent. Bundled with the XA-30K and XA-10K products, XHO software can be installed as a single-sided solution. Used alongside an iDirect hub to complement iDirect’s built-in Quality of Service and acceleration features, it delivers an exceptional end-user browsing experience. The XHO software was recently awarded the 2011 Teleport Technology of the Year award by the World Teleport Association. Adding the XipLink Real-Time (XRT) UDP optimization software to its portfolio of two-sided solutions, iDirect enables operators to further optimize their networks through dramatic data packet efficiency improvements. The XRT feature yields up to a four times reduction in the number of small UDP packets through a remote router, offloading much of the processing of voice and other real-time traffic.