...Pacific Endeavor, a convention that includes governments and non-governmental organizations that operate in the Asia-Pacific region. The international event serves to build partnerships between militaries and international non-governmental organizations, and to improve communications associated with humanitarian assistance and disaster recovery efforts. The Pacific Endeavor workshop takes place from August 6 through August 10 at Changi Naval Base in Singapore.
This year, the event includes a satellite communications-specific focus, during which the Global VSAT Forum (GVF) is leading a two-day, hands-on training workshop to certify students in the installation and maintenance of Very Small Aperture Terminals, or VSATs. After the students receive certifications, they will have the option to be included in the public GVF Installers Database. Intelsat and GVF are sharing the cost of the training courses for 21 to 25 students from the Asia-Pacific region, with GVF’s share coming from its Andrew Werth Scholarship. Intelsat is providing bandwidth on the Intelsat 22 satellite to allow the students to demonstrate their abilities to correctly install the antennas without creating interference.