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Satnews Daily
June 24th, 2009

Final Moon Shots From JAXA's KAGUYA

TC final photo of Moon from KAGUYA (JAXA) The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has successfully produced stereo movies (3D) of the Moon's surface by using stereoscopic images obtained with the Terrain Camera (TC) onboard the KAGUYA just prior to its controlled impact to the Moon on June 11, 2009 (JST) — the KAGUYA was launched by JAXA on September 14, 2007.

The movie was composed using TC cameras that respectively face slightly diagonally forward and aft of the satellite, about 12 minutes prior to the KAGUYA's controlled impact on the Moon. As the KAGUYA was in a very low altitude orbit, the spatial resolution of 3D images taken this time was higher than previously captured data. After acquiring the data, the KAGUYA flew into the shaded area, where it ultimately hit the Moon, — it became too dark for the KAGUYA's optical cameras to capture the Moon's surface data. The Multi-band Imager (MI) also obtained final data one revolution prior to the TC's data capture. Readers can enjoy the 3D movie by the TC through the following JAXA website: Digital Archives, the KAGUYA Image Gallery, and the JAXA channel on YouTube.