Satnews Daily
September 15th, 2010

Newtec + K-NET... Time To SatPlay (SATCOM)

[SatNews] Ghana-based triple-play solutions provider K-NET is now using Newtec’s Sat3Play(r) to extend the reach of broadband services throughout West Africa.

K-NET’s Sat3Play infrastructure provides the platform for service providers to offer a full range of broadband applications via satellite, including Internet access, security, VOIP, IP VPN and VSAT. With a Sat3Play hub in Accra and terminals located throughout the region, K-NET’s service provider clients can deliver services to business and consumer customers. Applications include enterprise connectivity, GSM backhauling, digital signage, consumer broadband access with triple-play, and on-the-move access for mobile customers. Sat3Play’s low-cost and easy-to-install terminal enables the end-users throughout West Africa to access broadband regardless of their location, whether for individual home and office applications, SME networks, or larger-scale vertical applications, such as SCADA, POS and ATM. Sat3Play thus provides K-NET’s clients and their customers with the basis for a truly viable business model anywhere in the region, complementing the terrestrial infrastructure. Sat3play is operated by K-NET under the brand name fast2net. The major countries of coverage are Senegal, Gambia, Mali, Niger, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Cameroun and Central African Republic.