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November 3rd, 2010

MPEG Industry Forum... @ TelcoTV 201 With...

[SatBroadcasting(tm)] The MPEG Industry Forum, the world’s largest advocacy group for the promotion of MPEG and other standards based video technologies, has stated they will be participating in the TelcoTV Standards Pavilion booth #SP152. In addition the following six member companies will be exhibiting at TelcoTV 2010, taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada between Tuesday, November 9th and Thursday, November 11, 2010 — Cisco (#519) — Harmonic Inc (#543) — Motorola (#MR3) — RGB Networks (#219) — Sigma Designs (#639) — UNH-IOL (#SP154).

MPEG Industry Forum homepage link
David Price, the MPEG Industry Forum Vice President (and Vice President at Harmonic Inc.), will be speaking as part of a discussion with other standards organizations. The title of his presentation is Video Standards: Needed Now more than Ever, which will be presented on Wednesday, November 10, 2010, from 2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. and will be on the panel addressing Are You Maximizing Ad Sales Opportunities? in the New Revenue Options track from 3:35 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. “As cable begins to increase their IP based services with the same type of user experiences that were originally pioneered by Telco operators, this show this year will be about how video over DSL can further differentiate their offering and how IP based delivery can extend viability to smaller and smaller networks,” said David Price, Vice President at MPEGIF and at Harmonic Inc., “IP based video distribution is at an early stage of delivering radically different subscriber experiences." Prof. Dr. h. c. Sebastian Moeritz, President of MPEGIF and Professor at the St. Petersburg State University for Film and Television, added, “IP delivered video content is of interest, value and relevance to viewers and it seems that we will not have to wait long until it overtakes delivery on physical media on all fronts. This comes as no surprise looking at the tremendous technological possibilities with broadcasters, operators, content owners and service providers being in a very good position to start using the power of IP to increase revenues and contribute to corporate value."