Aerojet... Remarkable Rocket Relationship
Aerojet, a GenCorp (NYSE:GY) company, and Florida Turbine Technologies (FTT) have entered into a strategic partnership to compete for research, development and production on NASA’s new hydrocarbon engine and advanced upper stage engine. This expands the successful teamwork that
Aerojet and
FTT have underway on the
U.S. Air Force Hydrocarbon Boost Technology Demonstrator (
HBTD) and
Upper Stage Engine Technology (
USET) programs. The HBTD program is developing key, high-impact components and enabling technology for a world-class hydrocarbon engine. Aerojet and FTT will provide the innovation to expand this effort into a comprehensive engine development program that provides transformational propulsion capability for NASA, DoD and commercial launch vehicles. In 2007, Aerojet and FTT competed and won the HBTD program which is the only U.S. engine development program working on an advanced rocket engine cycle.
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